der Schlepper "Taucher O. Wulf 3" einlaufend Cuxhaven am 05.06.15 |
Name of Ship: | Taucher O. Wulf 3 |
IMO-Nr.: | 5419244 |
Type of Ship: | Tug |
Status: | Active |
Port of Registry / Flag: | Cuxhaven / Germany |
Year of Built: | 1963 |
Builder: | F. Schichau Schiffswerft GmbH - Bremerhaven, Germany |
Gross Tonnage: | 181 |
Capacity: | 114t |
Engine Power: | 1369 PS |
Length: | 28,81 |
Beam: | 8,36 |
Draught: | 3,75 |
Special Information: | Bollard Pull: 20t |